DeKalb and Fulton Counties Agree to Comply With State Law to Keep Atlanta Election Day Polling Places Open Until 8pm and to Publicize These Hours

Atlanta - The ACLU of Georgia claims another victory for voters after having sent a letter Monday afternoon to DeKalb and Fulton Counties demanding that they keep Atlanta polling places open until 8pm on Election Day as required by state law. Both counties now publicize these Election Day hours on their websites. (See websites for DeKalb and Fulton.) In response to the same letter from the ACLU of Georgia, the Secretary of State removed the incorrect polling place hours shown to individual voters on the My Voter Page but has yet to provide the correct Election Day polling place hours on that page.

These are the latest examples of many instances in which state and local elections officials throughout the state have failed to keep faith with Georgia voters.

In this year alone, elections officials tried to close polling places in predominantly black neighborhoods in Fulton and Irwin Counties. The ACLU of Georgia stopped them.

When the Secretary of State tried to remove nearly 160,000 voters from the active voter rolls because they recently moved within the same county in violation of federal and state law, the ACLU of Georgia stopped them.

When the City of Thunderbolt tried to remove over 10% of its residents from the voter rolls for the absurd excuse that their names were not on the water bill, the ACLU of Georgia stopped them.

“We will continue to be vigilant to protect the sacred and fundamental right to vote for all,” Sean J. Young, Legal Director for the ACLU of Georgia.
