“The most important site of resistance in unified government is civil society and organizations like the ACLU.” - David Cole, ACLU National Legal Director
The ACLU of Georgia held an inspiring Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 17, 2017 at Greystone Piedmont Park, Atlanta. ACLU of Georgia Board President Gail Podolsky and Executive Director Andrea Young shared encouraging words with over 100 supporters and activists about the promising growth and progress of the ACLU of Georgia.
Our keynote speaker, ACLU National Legal Director David Cole, motivated supporters through his powerful speech, highlighting the importance of nearly 100 years of ACLU’s civil liberties and justice work.
In addition to hearing from David Cole, our members welcomed new additions and current officers to our 2017 Board of Directors:
Gail Podolsky, President
Jeff Willard, Vice President
Wayne Chelikowsky, Secretary
Jack Kennedy, Treasurer and National Board Representative
Bridgett E. Ortega, Affiliate Equity Officer
Chad Brock
Randy Butterfield
Barbara Latimer Jennings
Harry Floyd Taylor
Dan Vargas
Melissa Altman
Kim Ferrari
Russell Gabriel
Graydon Gordian
Natalie Keng
Michelle Walsh
Andrea Young, Board Chair Gail Podolsky and David Cole with ACLU of Georgia 2017 Board of Directors