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The ACLU of Georgia responds to an article in Sunday's Atlanta Journal-Constitution" PolitiFact: Abrams stretches point on poor jail inmates.

"Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams' concerns about Georgia's costly reliance on money bail is aligned with a bipartisan national effort to end money bail as it currently exists. Keeping people in jail, because they are too poor to post a money bond is deeply out of step with American principles," stated Andrea Young, Executive Director of the ACLU of Georgia.

"Governor Deal's four-year effort to reform Georgia's criminal justice system is addressing problems with the bail system in this legislative session. To quote the Georgia Council on Criminal Justice Reform, 'For those who cannot afford bail, the human costs can be significant. People held in jail pretrial often lose their jobs, leaving them unable to support their families and ultimately unable to meet their court-imposed financial obligations.'" Ms. Young continued. "We urge all of the candidates for governor to commit to continue this important work to bring equity and fairness to Georgia's justice system."